Richard JOCHUM

Richard JOCHUM


Und Jetzt

  Vernissage: Freitag, 01. Juli 2016, 19 Uhr   Die Ausstellung zeigt Videoarbeiten, konzeptuelle Photographien und Installationen. Das Ergebnis ist eine Bestandsaufnahme ohne Aussicht auf Vollstaendigkeit. Im Zentrum steht die Frage: Und jetzt? Wo bleibt die Katze?   crossWordPrint        thumb_finalSequence.6103UndJetzt2   Richard Jochum is a conceptual artist working in a broad variety of media with a strong focus on video, video installation, pefromance, and photography. He is a studio member at the Elizabeth Foundation of the Arts and an associate professor of art and art education at Teachers College, Columbia University. He has worked in various media since the late 1990s and has had more than 100 international exhibitions and screenings. Richard received his PhD from the University of Vienna (1997) and an MFA in sculpture and media art from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (2001). Richard’s art practice is accompanied by publications and research in the field of cultural theory, new media, and contemporary art and he has been awarded several grants and prizes. One of his recent public art installation is a flip book with 30 light boxes in a public railroad tunnel in Austria.   Öffnungszeiten: Sa 2.7., So 3.7., Sa 9.7., So 10.7. jeweils 14-18 h und nach tel. Vereinbarung: 0664-33 88 720 oder 0680-31 33 185 (bis 16.9. 2016)